Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5 Tips to Compiling your Perfect Guest List

Creating a guest list for your wedding may seem like a simple task, but once you get started, couples often begin to realize just how complicated it can become.  Here are a few tips to creating a Guest List the easy way. 

1. Decide how many guests you want to invite.  Make four lists: the brides lists, the grooms list, the brides parents list and the grooms parents list.  If you like you may also have one additional list called a wish list.  The wish list can be a list of people you'd like to invite but aren't really sure about.  In each of the first four lists make sure the guests names are spelled correctly and label each with an "A", "B", or "C" notation. "A" standing for those who are definitely invited. "B" standing for those who are most likely invited. "C" standing for those who you don't really need to be there but feel the need to invite them. 

2. Decide on a final head count.  Add your lists together and figure out your final headcount.  If the number is too high eliminate your wish list and your "C"'s from your lists as needed.  Make sure to discuss eliminating guests with parents.  Explain to them the costs per head and why you are choosing not to invite them.  It may help to reassure them that it is not personal, but rather a issue with the budget.

3. Make a Master List.  Use index cards or a computer program such as Google Docs or Microsoft Excel to put your guests in alphabetical order and number the final list list.  If you are unfamiliar with these programs your hawaii wedding planner can also help you with this. You can also put addresses on this list which will come in handy later with invitations and thank-you notes.  Make note of how many kids you are inviting and their ages.  Often times caterers and restaurants charge half price for children under 10 and let children under 5 eat free.  Also, be sure to note how many vendors you have.  It is not uncommon for caterers to let your vendors eat for free or for half price, which could be a huge savings for you.  Remember that having an organized master list will also help your hawaii wedding planner with the seating arrangements, table settings, etc.

4. Don't feel obligated to invite everyone.  It is your wedding, you do not have to give everyone a plus one.  If you have never met their significant other or your guest is single do not feel obligated to give them an extra seat, this is totally dependent on your budget.  Also, consider not inviting children.  It is not uncommon to have an adult only event.  A simple way to do this is to write out the names of the adults invited on the invitation cleverly leaving out the children's names.  Be sure to write a total amount of guests invited as well.  For example: Mr and Mrs. Smith, __ of 2 guests will attend. 

5. Make sure to give a unique number to each invitation.  This way when you get your invitations back you can reference them easily and cross them off your list.  It is inevitable that you may have to follow up with some guests who did not return their RSVP card, but by having your list updated you will easily know which guests you need to contact. 

Guest lists can become overwhelming especially when parents become involved.  Try to keep in mind that this is your wedding.  Ultimately who is on the guest list is in your hands.  Keeping your guest list under control will help you to stay organized and help your wedding planner to create a perfect wedding day.

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