Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to Create a Basic Timeline

Too much to do but don't know where to start? Best way to tackle this dilemma is to create a basic timeline. For the purposes to illustrating an example, we'll make one for a wedding.

Step 1 - Determine your finish line and work backwards. In the case of a wedding, your Best Day Ever will serve as the finish line and from there you'll set up key events and task check points leading up to your wedding day. Bachelor/bachelorette parties, a wedding shower, bridal shower, engagement party, rehearsal dinner are your key events and check points are when individual tasks need to be completed.

Step 2 - Create a task list. This task list involves every little detail, every little project. Everything from creating party favors to picking a song list to setting up meetings with vendors, making phone calls, sending out invitations, creating an event layout, and so on. Keep in mind that this task list is continually changing throughout the whole planning process. As tasks are added, the list grows and as tasks get completed, the list shrinks.

Step 3 - Prioritize task list. Figure out which tasks take a long time to complete and which ones can be done in your sleep. Give yourself ample time to complete the tasks that require more attention and involvement.

Step 4 - Delegate, delegate, delegate. As much as we would like to think of ourselves as being a superhero with the ability to conquer all tasks by our lonesome, just remember, even superheroes have sidekicks. And what's better than one sidekick? As many sidekicks as you can trust to carry out your task list. Don't be afraid to ask for help, believe me, licking 200 envelopes is not fun.

Step 5 - Synchronize your task list and timeline. Input all your tasks into your timeline. Nothing is easier than being able to turn to a certain date to see which tasks need to be tackled. It's also a great way to see if you're falling behind or if you're all caught up.

Step 6 - Execute. Once you have a better layout of what needs to get done and by when, jump in and execute. You'll feel better with every box that gets checked. Also, be realistic. If you find that a certain task is taking a little longer than expected, take a short break to complete other quick tasks to get your momentum going and then jump back on the more time consuming tasks.

Creating a basic timeline and task list is a great way to get things done. You'll feel less stressed and more accomplished while planning your best day ever.

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